I'qaz al-Na'imin
This is a gnostic book which, in spite of its small size, is greatly profound and abounding in subtle and accurate meanings. Mulla Sadra has included almost all the gnostic realities which are scattered in his other works, particularly al-Asfar, in this treatise and presented the best and most comprehensive gnostic work ever to his readers. He himself says, this treatise is a collection of divine secrets, heavenly mysteries, dhawqi (related to mystical taste) issues, and intuitive science by which the heart of this humble servant of God has been illuminated in the light of divine favor.
The issues propounded in I'qaz al-na'imin have not appeared systematically in a chain-like manner. Rather, each has been discussed scatteredly all over the book.
However, the main topics include the following: 1. Theology. 2. Oneness of Being, and 3. Philosophical anthropology.
The detailed table of contents of this book is as follows: preparation, guidance of poems, index, confirmation, admonition, estimation and admonition, awakening, guidance, illumination, emanation, manifestations, intuitive gleams, holy breaths, divine illuminations, superabundant allegory, admonition, and collective station.
This work has been published under the supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei in 220 pages by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. Dr. Mohammed Khwansari has been responsible for the research, edition, Introduction, and commentary of this book. Different lists of verses, hadiths, poems, etc. have also been presented at the end of the book.